Residential Garage Doors

Your garage door is a valuable asset to your home. Many homeowners use their garage doors more than they use their entry doors. Garage doors are convenient for those rainy days when it would be a pain to bring the groceries in from the driveway or those cold mornings as you get ready to leave for work and can’t imagine going outside. Get a beautiful and high-quality new garage door that gives you convenient access to your home while making it look stunning.

    1. Size & Mounting

    2. Style, Insulation, Glazing/Panels, Finishes


    Note: Not all patterns/types are available on all models.

    Note: Not all colors are available on all models.

    3. Accessories & Options

    Belt drive *Chain driveJackshaft *Vertical wall mount *Keyless entry pad *My Q Technology *Transmitters (visor – standard)Transmitters (visor – mini)Transmitters (Keychain – mini)Transmitters (visor – standard)No thanksNot sure

    Note: add 3″ to headroom requirements

    Note: Not all colors are available on all models.

    2-inch Track (12-inch headroom)3-inch Track (15.5-inch headroom)Low headroom (12-inch or less)High-lift for taller ceilingsHeavy-duty (hinges, rollers, top & bottom fixtures)Solid torsion in lieu of tubePowder coat in lieu of galvanizeNot sure

    Note: add 3″ to headroom requirements

    Note: Not all options are available on all models

    Jamb seals (vinyl)Jamb seals (brush)Header seal (brush)Threshold for slightly uneven concreteNot sure